take the RETIREMENT LIFE DESIGN challenge

Our signature program is energizing, illuminating and down-to-earth. It will inform, inspire and activate the creation of your unique next chapter in life!

What can you expect?

Led by retirement life coach Carol Bergeron, the program guides you through the RETIREMENT LIFE DESIGN journey and educates you on both the top five challenges of retirees and how to navigate this major life transition. You will reinvent your best self, reimagine your purpose and meaning, reenergize a balanced lifestyle, revitalize relationships and build anew, and reengineer healthy choices and habits. You will be ready to confidently share your preferences with your financial planner.

This program helps accelerate creation of your one-of-a-kind:

  • Retirement life design
  • Transition plan to bridge pre & post-retirement
  • Personal vision to guide future adjustments and decisions


“While we all have dreams of retirement, this program helped me to clearly identify how to get from here to there, and how to make my retirement journey truly my own.”

  • Executive with 25+ years working with seniors in assisted living

“The program truly made me think more about “me” and my desires of how I would like to live in retirement. Previously, I looked at it more from a financial planning perspective. This program prompted me to identify my desires and how to achieve and incorporate them into my retirement life. The program was VERY helpful in seeing things differently. I highly recommend the program as I found it beneficial to clarify and share my own thoughts and hear others’ ideas that I had not considered. A true benefit of the small group coaching program was discussion and sharing with others.”

  • IT Executive

“This program helped me bring to the surface, identify and clarify many things such as core values, beliefs, a well-balanced retirement life to strive for, things/people/activities that bring me joy and helped me find purpose. Since the program started, I have signed up for volunteering and been diligent going to my fitness classes. It became apparent how important it is to maintain my health!”

  • Clinical Research & Trials Leader

“This program launched me into a deeper dive into the lifestyle aspect of retirement planning. I truly believe that my retirement life design will drive the financial aspect of planning.”

  • IT Leader

“While this is a topic my spouse and I have been exploring for a few years, it was good to think through choices and decisions about retirement with people other than my spouse. It was interesting to hear how other people are approaching retirement and their current life situations.”

  • IT Professional

“Loved hearing others’ insights. Also helped me formulate and contemplate some of the stages I’m currently experiencing, and stages ahead that deserve advanced deliberation. The program is a great reminder that it is a process.”

  • Executive of a NonProfit

Frequently asked questions