Retirement Life Design

We guide you through a self-discovery process of designing your retirement life filled with:

  • Purpose, meaning and fulfillment
  • Adventure, fun and joy
  • Enriching new and familiar relationships
  • Positive wellbeing

Program Hallmarks

  • Create a retirement life design, a plan to bridge pre & post retirement, and a personal vision to guide decision making
  • Reinvent your best self
  • Reimagine your purpose and meaning
  • Reenergize a balanced lifestyle
  • Revitalize relationships and build anew
  • Reengineer healthy choices and habits

Check out the self-discovery journey – the backbone of our programs.

Whether retirement is imminent, a few years away, or has already begun, our coaching
programs are grounded in research and tailored:

For Private Individuals: Our core programs are ideal for those who are committed to proactively designing their next 30+ years rather than leaving them to chance.

For Organizational Leaders: In addition to the core program we offer options such as helping leaders transition to part-time roles and prepare their successors while ensuring organizations benefit from developing a strong talent pipeline, preserving institutional knowledge, and cultivating a pool of experienced flex workers.

Each program is facilitated by a certified retirement life coach and grounded in our “take the RETIREMENT LIFE DESIGN challenge” workbook, which includes reflection exercises addressing the five+ interdependent challenges retirees often face.


  • Virtual & in-person small group coaching
  • One-on-One coaching
  • Couples coaching


  • One-on-One coaching
  • Optional: Navigating to a flex role
  • Optional: Preparing successor(s)


  • Workshops
  • Develop a strong talent pipeline
  • Preserve institutional knowledge
  • Cultivate a talent pool of experienced flex workers

Learn more about Retirement Life Design Coaching and the upcoming program schedule by downloading the document(s) of greatest interest to you.

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